Thursday, September 13, 2007

While You Were Waiting...

While I was waiting for my life to start
the days and the years
came and went.

While I was waiting for something better,
the blessings I had were
laid out before me as a grand buffet.

While I was waiting for my big day to come,
the wind and the wheat blew;
friends called me over,
and the anticipation built up to a
high-flying peak.

While I was waiting for my child to come,
the sights of young mothers filled me
with joy overflowing...
and I dreamed of hearing my child's heart beat...

While I was waiting...
life carried on and presented itself
in glory and anguish;
flowing in grace
and calling me to fellowship with the Father...

While I was waiting...
He gave me life that I was waiting for.

"While you were waiting" I could hear Him say...
"I was preparing the paths ahead; adjusting and
moulding you to take the next step. While you were waiting
I was there beside you...waiting for you to acknowledge Me.
What joy to my heart it was when you looked for Me, child...
knowing My hand was in all that you saw..."


batgirl said...

He will restore the wasted years. I like this, Lynne. It would be great on A4TH. Can you possibly send it to me in an email. Copying it from one blog to another is actually a pain. All of the spaces go away and the paragraph breaks.

ellehasuly said...

Understood. I am printing it out now and I will type it into an email.
