Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Good Morning, Lord!

Good Morining, Lord...
It's me again.

You know my heart,
and yet you still want to hear from me...
I know I am getting the better end of the deal
and offer up my thanks for it...

I think I am stuck again, Lord.
I need You to pull me out of the quicksand again.
If you have to leave me here, I ask that you keep my head up
...above sand level...

Joy and heaviness mix together to bake up a sweet ache
that threatens to grow claws...
You are faithful to provide a way for me to make it from
point "A" to point "B". I trust You to do that for me once more.

Is it something I am doing wrong?
Where is my part in this fiasco painted in blue?
Forgive me, Lord, and show me how I can do my part
to return more fully to the land of the living...

Morning will come, I can rest assured...
...but if a day is as a thousand years to you,
what measure of time are you thinking of?
In my time, Lord, I want the claws pulled out of my spirit
so that I can soar again.

Call me greedy...
I desire to live without cloaks
and move into the place where I should be?

I ask Your blessing on this day.
Do with me what You will, Lord.
I offer myself up for your service.
Let me be a part of Your plan today
as You keep me in the palm of Your hand.

So be it.