Friday, May 2, 2008

Dancing in the Raindrops

"Rejoice" He says...
while the apparent scent of dung
floats up to my nostrils;
burning away any illusion of
easy jubilation...
Still, act of will
and leap of faith
combine to form a tenuous bridge
towards grace and gratitude;
knowing that my eyes are not accustomed
to seeing the rush of angels' wings...
"Rejoice in the Lord always..."
brought a puzzling rampage of inner rebellion;
as my selfish desires pushed themselves to the
forerfront of my consciousness.
I looked down and noticed the water slapping playfully
against my dancing feet;
bringing me to the foot of the cross
and arising again with the jubilation of knowing His presence...
Once again, I see His beauty in the water of provision
and rejoice in the promise that the droughts have their endings.