Friday, November 16, 2007

A Taste of Quiet

It was actually quiet at my house for a brief spell this morning. Then the kids woke up and the house came alive again. We had a dose of excitement and noise last night. There was an accident down the road somewhere, and the road was blocked off right in front of our house. A fire truck, a passing ambulance, a couple of fire department vehicles, and the utility vehicles evaluating the power lines lit up the sky. We live on a busy road; which means that our power goes out periodically as a result of accidents. Then, the power went out. We camped out in the living room and fell asleep without the street light across the road casting its' light.

I am thinking now of when the lights go out in our spirits. We think the light is gone, and that we are left in the dark. That divine spark is still there, awaiting our attention. He calls to us even when we don't hear the "still, small voice" that speaks of life and hope.

I will leave you now with a parting prayer:

Lord, help us to hear Your voice when we think the light has gone out in our spirit. Remind us that you are with us always. Help us to offer up our "sacrifice of praise" and invite Your presence to illuminate our steps once more.