Saturday, March 29, 2008

To Grow Where I am Planted

I have a plaque hanging in my bathroom that exhorts me to realize that God blesses every day(and it is up to me to notice). It was given to me by a family member that I cherish. I am reminded of her every morning as I read it, and every night as I get ready for bed. It brings so many things to my mind when I think about what it means to live in joy and celebrate the work of His hands.

In my mind, I am thinking of what I would be like if I truly grasped the faithfulness of God in my circumstances. Do I trust Him? Why don't I trust Him more? Do I really want to "pray for patience" in order to grow more like Him? I don't want to take on more than I can handle; but do I really know what I can handle? He tells me that I am never given more than I can handle. I confess that I doubt that He knows what He is doing sometimes when it comes to that question. Is that sin? Yes. Those moments of cowardice come to me in moments of weakness. He comes through for me. He is faithful.

Choosing to glorify Him right where I am and seek His presence in my daily life is what I think that the phrase means. Is there some measure of contentedness that must come to me in order to achieve this? Perhaps. Is it a sentence to just settle for whatever and not try to develop what I feel drawn towards as my callings in this life? I don't think so.

It is my prayer to discern each day what I need to focus on in order to grow in my walk with the Lord. That punch list will change as I grow closer to His image. That is going to take the rest of my days. In my spirit, I know that it is all worth it; as eternity is in my heart as a draw towards the prize set before me.

Have a cup o'joy,
and a fresh taste of the bread of heaven..
