Monday, July 23, 2007

Running to the Tower

Proverbs 18:10
The name of the Lord is a strong tower;
The righteous run to it and are safe

Off in the distance,
I see the tower rising above the horizon.
I'm out of breath from running in circles...
worn in body and spirit...

The perimeter shines;
drawing me to the light with the warmth of tender mercies.
The windows have faces and movement behind them;
a gathering beckons my soul to join in...

Coming upon the door of the tower,
I knock and the hinges move effortlessly open...
inviting me in to the feast of the banquet;
and joining the singing of angels before us...

His presence is there,
and fellowship sweeter than taste could impart to my senses...
The joy of the Lord in full bloom; and communion with family
as a peace-giving dream...

The eyes of my spirit gaze upon Glory,
and my flesh has been changed in an instant to immutable sinew...
...the promise fulfilled from His promise and grace...