Friday, January 25, 2008

A New Beginning

I am looking out my window as I write this, and I see the early morning sun illuminating the landscape. The cars are driving by; on their way to work, I am sure. Back in the house, I am doing what I do; write. This is how most of my days begin. Today is following the pattern. I have heard it said that it takes 30 days to develop a new habit. I am hoping for somewhere between two minutes and a week. I prefer the microwave version of the process; patient being that I am...

It is still January. Traditionally a time of new beginnings. No, I didn't make any resolutions. I tend to panic and break them right away so that the pressure is off. Odd logic, but it is mine; and a sort of escape valve. My point is this: the dawn of a new day in January inspires me to take stock of my life and seek my maker regarding those aspects of my daily life that need ammending. That reminds me...mending...whew...only a few buttons...

My mountains still look like mountains. No amount of dressing them up or reframing them has succeeded in taking them down to mole-hill status. My God is still big enough to handle those mountains, though. I will purpose in my heart to offer Him my hand as I start walking towards those mountains each day. Two steps with Him must be worth more than twenty without Him. My odds of making it are better with the company, I am sure.

I pray that you remember that His mercies are new every morning as you read this. He is faithful in ways we cannot fathom; and our finite minds cannot hold the majesty of His plans. He is with us, and that is what matters. Yes, He is ready to take our hands and lead us on towards new pathways.

Whew! He's got my back. I think I can breathe out now.

Joy to you,