Saturday, July 19, 2008

Saturday's Child

"Saturday's Child works hard for a living"
-Mother Goose nursery rhyme

This title is the first thing that popped into my head this morning. I'm going to take a wild leap and write my post about it. Mother Goose is hardly the highest expression of literary merit; but it still has a treasured place as a memento of childhood. I can imagine mothers everywhere sitting down with their children and reading them a nursery rhyme before bedtime or naptime. Language has a wonderful way of connecting people at heart level.

I am thinking of myself as a Saturday's child at the moment. I am going to be working hard to help support my family in the years to come. What a joy this is going to be; aside from the lost time with those I am working to support. Standing at the foot of the cross in supplication for mercy and grace each day; I am going to offer up my efforts to the Lord and ask Him to bless them. Money goes fast and there are needs that a paycheck cannot meet. I am a Saturday's child in the respect that I am going to be working hard for a living; yet I have a heavenly Father that is intimately concerned with the unfolding of my days. I am going to trust Him to "supply all my needs according to His riches in Christ Jesus" and rest in His faithfulness to do just that. ("And my God shall supply all your needs according to His riches in Christ Jesus". Philippians 4:19).

This is the day that He has made for His glory. My joy will come as I offer up my day to Him as an act of worship. The invitation is given for Him to take my tiny hand and lead me where He wants me to go; and be who He wants me to be for today. Saturday's child works hard for a living...but sees that work as an opportunity to step into destiny's footprints. Praising Him will be part of that walk; as He will inhabit those praises(Psalm 22:3 NKJV)and bring me into His presence.

My prayer for you today will be for Him to inhabit your praises. Enjoy the work that you find to do and rejoice in it; redeeming the time for His glory.

Have a cup o'joy
and a fresh taste of the bread of heaven...
