Monday, May 26, 2008

Good Morning

Greetings and salutations to you all. I have dishes waiting for me in the sink, and I still haven't dressed my feet. Yet, I find the time to sit at the computer and play with the keyboard:). Same old Lynne! I tend to find the time to do what I want to do; whether or not it follows the pattern of responsible decision-making. I'm still waiting to see if I am going to grow up or not. It doesn't look promising as I see the hill fast approaching. Still, I take each day as it comes; as the days tend to stick together and pile up like old mail. I need to make the determination to stop saving those silly pieces of junk mail for book marks and scrap paper. They get lost and I am scrambling to replace the information I need to keep in a more dependable place. I am saying all this to eventually make it to the point of the post: it's always something.
I am believing that the Lord's mercies are new for me this morning. Those tiny habits and sins that clog the flow of efficient living are probably there because I haven't decided to alter them and/or replace them with new habits and perspectives. Let's hear it for new beginnings. What do you hope to adjust in your daily life to make the days easier or more productive? (Am I really being this anal this early in the day? I suppose that I am just a little interesting to the Psychiatric profession as a result).
By God's grace and mercy I will make it from point a to point b today. Those challenges that loom will be pushed aside by the blessings of the day for a time; and that is as it should be. In order to gear up for the challenges; I think we first need to replentish the hope and perspective to make the best choices that we can make. An attitude of gratitude will sustain when the potholes pop up on our path. May the Lord quicken our feet to step to the side just in time; preventing us from risking life and limb in the pit.
He loves us with a passion that goes beyond our ability to comprehend. Join me today in remembering that passion as we approach a new day. He has made this day for His glory and supplies all our needs according to His riches in Christ Jesus. Let's get our praise on and rejoice that He is thinking of us today and every day. May we be changed by focusing our eyes on the riches of His word.

Have a cup o'joy
and a fresh taste of the bread of heaven...

Friday, May 16, 2008

Just Thinking...

Today marks the(eventual)closing of another week. It seems as if this week has been a bit stressful; dodging "bullets" and apologizing for missed appointments. I am making plans to retrain for a new career, and yet still dreaming of the writing life. The two will have to get along; as they have no choice in the matter. Each day is fresh with no mistakes in it(though that lasts for only a short time). I am taking a deep breath and diving into another day with hope intact.
It's always someting. The "trick" of surviving daily life is to tie the knot securely and get as comfortable as possible on that knot. Rope burns are minimized if you keep your eyes on the prize: living for Christ. Perspective will come, and the blur in your eyes from fretting over the temporal, passing scenes will clear to reveal new hope and new challenges. Oh, my understanding is incomplete to be sure! I grasp and shake my head at the same time some days. Still, I am sustained by grace. The Lord has provided for my needs according to His riches in Christ Jesus.
I shall pray today that you can keep your perspective as well. I have been reading in Philippians(4:6&7)about not focusing on those things that bring anxiety and concern. Seems like a lofty goal as I function in an earthsuit, but I will keep refocusing my gaze and praying until it becomes more of a habit in my life. How about you? I invite you to seek God today in your moments of doubt...and in your moments of joy.

Have a cup o'joy
and a fresh taste of the bread of heaven...


Sunday, May 11, 2008

Smoke Signals

Remove the root that festers;
sustaining rot and that putrid stench
of that which has gone bad...
Trace the arrow back to the point of entry, Lord...
calling to mind the sin inflicted by my own hand;
and carving off the calloused flesh to allow
new levels of healing...
draw out the poison, Lord...
and renew the springs of hope and forgiveness;
for what have I done that You cannot forgive?
what have they done that I cannot give a piece of my heart
as a downpayment towards a full release from my judgement?
Soften my heart to seek Your face on that journey towards renewal...
loosening the grip I have on the door I push against to guard against light.
Remove the root that poisons the waters;
and draw back the scales from my eyes.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

It's Me Again...

Morning! I just added a new feature on the bottom of my blog page. If you scroll down to the bottom of the page, you will see a thought-provoking question with list of multiple choice answers. I hope you take a few minutes to put your two-cents into the mix:). I am looking forward to the responses; and I will be sure to change the question once a month(which gives more folks time to put in their two cents:).

Cup o'joy...


I neglected to mention that I am stuck on the NKJV these days. I took the last verses I posted on the blog from the NKJV(New King James Version).

Joy and fresh bread...

Saturday, May 3, 2008


Philippians 4:4-9

Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I will say, rejoice! Let your gentleness be known to all men. The Lord is at hand. Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication let your requests be made known to God;and the peace of God which passes all understanding will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Finally, brethren, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy-meditate on these things. The things which you learned and received and heard and saw in me, these do, and the God of peace will be with you.

This verse goes with the last post. There is so much in it that I could write for a lifetime on all the Spirit stirs up within me as I read it. I pray that He would show you today how to rejoice in Him. In these days of anxiety, I pray that He teaches us anew how to stay in an attitude of prayer. We need His strength to focus on those things that are lovely, true, of good report, and praiseworthy. Let's praise Him and invite His presence in our lives; and may it increase in the days to come.

Have a cup o'joy
and a fresh taste of the bread of heaven...


Friday, May 2, 2008

Dancing in the Raindrops

"Rejoice" He says...
while the apparent scent of dung
floats up to my nostrils;
burning away any illusion of
easy jubilation...
Still, act of will
and leap of faith
combine to form a tenuous bridge
towards grace and gratitude;
knowing that my eyes are not accustomed
to seeing the rush of angels' wings...
"Rejoice in the Lord always..."
brought a puzzling rampage of inner rebellion;
as my selfish desires pushed themselves to the
forerfront of my consciousness.
I looked down and noticed the water slapping playfully
against my dancing feet;
bringing me to the foot of the cross
and arising again with the jubilation of knowing His presence...
Once again, I see His beauty in the water of provision
and rejoice in the promise that the droughts have their endings.