Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Walking on the Balance Beam

I just came from an artist's fellowship at my church. It is late now and I have to go to bed soon so that I can get up to go to work in the morning. I cannot sleep yet, though. I have to write. The screen beckons me with an urgency that I haven't figured out if it is from my own ego or a prompting from the Lord. I suppose I will just have to step out in faith and take a chance walking on the balance beam of deciding whether or not to yield. Yes, I have questions about my motivation to write. Sometimes it seems clear that the Lord has a purpose behind what He allows me to produce. Other times I am not able to see that clearly and feel as if I am indeed mentally walking on a balance beam;with choices and questions floating around my head. I adore my husband and my children;but the pull to create is more than magnetic. I am convinced that the Lord put it on my heart to write in part because it comes so easily. I am also passionate about writing down my thoughts in order to share them;especially these days. Writing is an effective tool for making sense of the journey that is life. God does amazing things when He is allowed to show us what is in our hearts. I admit that I don't always enjoy looking at what is in my heart. It is like a train wreck though in the sense that you just have to look.

Good night and have a cup o'joy...

1 comment:

batgirl said...

I'm going to bed too. Just posted our schedule at the AFTH blog. My motives are often approval-seeking, but I know God gave me the desire and the talent to write. So I'll write. You keep on doing what you're doing!