Saturday, July 21, 2007

Mercy Falling

"The Lord takes pleasure in those who fear Him,
In those who hope in His mercy" Psalm 147:11

It is a glorious thought to rest upon;that the Lord takes pleasure in me when I hope in His mercy. I take a palpable comfort in knowing that He encourages me to seek Him; and that that seeking will be rewarded with a visible answer or the comfort of knowing that He is still with me. A shawl of gentle breezes rests on my shoulders as the sweet fragrance of His presence comes to my aid. In the face of adversity, that knowing is a discernable sign of mercy falling.

He is the tower that I run to when I feel suddenly adrift. I figure if He made my mind and knows how the lump works, I can rest assured that He can fix or ameliorate the quirks in the works. He has His reasons for it all, and I can rest assured that He is in control. I think the process of seeking Him gives him a legal invitation to enter those places in me that have resisted the force of light.

His company resolves the gray mist of the shadows in the human soul and breaks the chains of loneliness each soul must deal with. I pray that mercy falls in your life today as you seek His presence. He is indeed a strong tower that the human spirit can run to and find safety.

Human language is inadequate in expressing the experience of the spirit, but I pray I have conveyed a small part of the point I have been trying to make. That point? Mercy is a glorious expression of the Father's love towards us. Telling the story of His love and sacrifice has the power to transform lives and draw us to Him. There is no better way to spend our days here on earth than to follow and serve Him.

Have a cup o'joy,
...and a fresh taste of the bread of heaven...



batgirl said...

Lynne, just before I came on-line I was hanging out and praying through Psalm 119. One verse that hit me was "Blessed are those who seek Him with the whole heart," and I prayed that God would help me to seek Him. I am seeking Him. I really want to feel His touch, to know His presence, to experience that mercy as He works in my cranial "lump." Reading your post was a nice follow-up and confirmation. Your writing is such a blessing. Have a great Saturday!

ellehasuly said...

I am overjoyed to hear that you have been blessed by anything I have written. I just got out of work at 3:00. It is now about 3:30 and I have got to go to Preston to pick up the kids at my parent's house. It has been a beautiful day, and I actually had a good day at work. Blessed be the name of the Lord...

Have a cup o'joy,

ellehasuly said...

Janet, there is a verse in Isaiah that ties into this theme. I have forgotten where it is, but I will find it. I have another post brewing based upon that verse, and look forward to sharing it with you soon....
Again, I am so glad that you were touched by something I wrote. It is a special joy to hear things like for ashes...

Have a cup o'joy, ya!
