Thursday, August 30, 2007

Mouse Bites

The mouse
in the crevice
saw that sweet morsel...
abandoned by human resign...
...the smell,
the aroma
rose to his nostrils...
enticing his taste buds
to propel his feet towards action.
("Seize the day" he'd often heard
in unprotected pantries).
Launching from his haunches,
the mouse
tasted the thrill
of capturing joy...
for human loss had provided his dinner...
to satisfy hunger;
raising his hopes of
finding more...


batgirl said...

how fun! did you find a mouse in your house? we haven't lately, but i'm always on the lookout for those miniscule Tootsie-roll-shaped clues in my drawers...

ellehasuly said...

I was pregnant with Natasha and just about ready to pop one night, and I heard a mouse in the kitchen. I had made chicken pot pie in those little clay pots with lids, and I neglected to get the last one clean enough, I suppose...I heard the rattling of the mouse trying to get out of that dish a few minutes after I heard the initial rattling. I shrieked and scared my husband into thinking I had fallen. I could imagine myself stuck in an episode of the twilight imagination was not helpful that night. Good story now, though...