Saturday, October 27, 2007

Letting the Rocks Cry Out

Sister, don't let the rocks cry out
before you stand with hands upraised to praise Him!
Sister, don't let the rocks cry out;
letting those things without the breath of God within them
offer up their sacrifice of praise...

Brother, don't let the rocks cry out
before you offer up thanksgiving for His mercies!
Brother, don't let the rocks cry out;
witholding the garlands of praise from Him who created
the heavens and the earth with words;
the strength in His spirit propelling the elements into action...

Children, don't let the rocks cry out
before you sing together of His marvelous love!
Children, don't let the rocks cry out;
letting the sound of the praises in your hearts to escape;
inviting Him to inhabit your praises;
knowing that where Love is there is peace past human comprehension...

Monday, October 22, 2007


Let the praises rise to the throne of heaven
amidst the dust of earth;
cradling the wind with hues of purple
and mists of silver and gold...
seek the Lord and know beyond reason
that Glory revealed has provided
the road to salvation...
Arise and let the praises go forth;
inviting His presence
through colors of darkness;
knowing that truth lives in vibrancy
beyond and within the confines of the human spirit
...all because of love's enduring promises.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Divine Touch

Oh, that marvelous ache that propels
my spirit towards the throne of heaven...
deep unto deep touching
for the sake of divine yearnings.
Eternity in my heart;
I am in awe of the drawing salve that
pulls out the dust of earth
and rips the veil from my eyes...
giving me a fresh taste of the bread of heaven
as I breathe in the mundane
mingled in with the eternal.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007


"In the beginning..." I read in Your word, Lord...
You started it all with Your words and Your hands...
setting in motion all history's vantage;
propelling creation towards predestined plan.
Beginning is not always easy, Lord;
yet You bid us to come...
away from the noise and commotion of busy days
towards solace found in communion with You.
From the beginning creation showed Your glory;
the beauty and function broke concept's ability to
place creation in a neat little box.
Joy became full when the hill fell under shadow;
permitting the sacrificed lamb to release the promise.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Sustaining Joy

Sacrifice of praise
arising from my spirit;
joy remaining from the vestiges
of past victories...
Allowing present concerns
and unresolved questions to float by;
looking past the mist of this present darkness
to discover the Rock awaiting me...
praise unfastening the tensile strength of
talon's grip upon my soul...
releasing me to soar with the bird I am watching
as I sit on solid ground.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Sunshine on Shadow

Sunshine in shadow
repels the depth of mental fire;
light and dark
boxing with each other for positions
in the realm of glory...
Clarity revealed
through that contrast of wills;
flesh and spirit
competing for time and consideration;
penetrating gaze of light on darkness' fingers...
boring through evil with sword and shield...
flashing in conflict
for control of the soul.

Mercy's Gift

came to me one day...
in elegance and grace;
presented as a soothing oil;
balm's generosity onto
the soul's canvas...
Mercy's gift
came in a box of redemption;
brought down
by Calvary's flow...
Mercy flows
over the scars and divots;
filling in gaps
created by
the flesh melting off
when the fire came to stay...
refining the dross
from carnage of flesh...

So Sweet

It is so sweet
to trust You, Lord...
Your mercies
refresh us
with the dawn of each new day.
Grace flows down
and the praises rise up,
enveloping pain
and pleasure
in the light of eternity.

I'll trust You, Lord
past the strain of reason;
holding onto
handles of faith
through focus on the words of life...
holding onto truth revealed.

It is so sweet to
hear Your voice...
from echoes of eternity
from nature's witness
from the whispers of inner confirmation...

It is so sweet, Lord;
when the song in the night
allows me
to touch the hem of your garment.


Ezekiel 22:30
So I sought for a man among them who would make a wall, and stand in the gap before me on behalf of the land, that I should not destroy it, but I found none."

Looking out on the
sea's mist,
my spirit drawn to
dancing with a soft cloak;
the faces come into my memory
and bid me
kneel my spirit's will towards
the dew of heaven...
...the arms of Jesus
hold each one
in tender reverie...
proclaiming grace
and Word
as hedges against
erosions of faith
within human form;
and bringing back
the peace past conscious knowing
to rest upon and

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Thoughts on Simplicity

I have been thinking of the simplicity of the gospel message. In conjunction with that thought, I have been thinking about the commandments that came down the mountain with Moses back in the book of Exodus. What if the Lord gave us daily punch lists? You know, the kind that come with a work order to a contractor?

Daily Punch List for Lynne
1. Please remember that I am God. Don't try to re-create a source of inspiration or comfort out of man-made contraptions. The computer is a tool that can be over-used. Get up and walk outside once in a while. Rake the leaves. Clean the floor. Practicality can be an exercise in worship.
2. Don't blame me when you get in trouble for doing something stupid. I am here for you, but don't get torqued at me for something you did. It wont get you anywhere you want to go.
3. Yearning for things over relationship and connection with people and their needs will draw you magnetically to trouble with a capital "T". Be aware of thinking the grass is always greener over the other side of the septic tank.
4. Don't harbor murder in your heart. This applies to your temper. There is a reason I included the account of Cain and Abel in the owner's manual. Remember the level of grace extended to you before you write someone off as not having value.

Alright, folks! I think I have enough of a punch list for now. This should keep me busy until Jesus comes back. If I get brave enough, perhaps I should finish the post. Until then, may you enjoy a cup o'joy and a fresh taste of the bread of heaven...


Looking Up

I was noticing the colors in the trees yesterday afternoon. It was late afternoon, in fact, and the sun was casting a late afternoon light just behind the multi-colored leaves. The burst of red leaves among their green counterparts caught my eye and filtered down into my soul with alacrity and ease. If I had a camera with me, I would have taken a picture of it. I am writing now because the beauty just has to be shared.

A dash of color among the mundane; the ordinary being accented with contrast. It propels me to think about how life has those splashes of color thrown in to the ordinary days that we tend to look on with a vague discontent. This is the day that the Lord has made, and the scriptures do tell us to number our days. They are finite. Some days flow by with an efficient ease, and other days seem to trudge by us with weighted down shoes that are stuck on shuffling feet. Perception and accumulated stressors seem to conspire against our joy on a regular basis. We tend to look for something to show us an escape hatch of sorts.

I looked up again at the tree. The red reminded me of the cross. The blood freed us to see the abundant life that Jesus offered to us through His sacrifice. A dash of color in an autumn tree had been used by the hand of the Father to speak to my heart of His grace. I had to look up again to say "I love you" to Jesus for the natural greeting card.

Have a cup o'joy,
and a fresh taste of the bread of heaven...


Monday, October 1, 2007

A Taste of Heaven

The day had come
on the heels of a dark night season.
The longing for heaven
propelled human form to prostrate yearning...

A taste of heaven came to rest;
and settled in as sweet rain on parched soil.
Fulfillment of promise
requited the sweet incense of prayer and worship...

Peace past the realm of human concept
...and faith as stalwart as the carrying beam
gave bedrock to the foundation
of a life that had squandered opportunity presented.

The day had come
on the heels of a dark night season...
Joy discovered in the morning of the soul;
replentishing the water of life from the hand of providence.