Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Holding Our Tears

He holds our tears in heaven;
not wasting even one of them
as we seek His face.
Turning water into wine,
He showed His power to transform the ordinary
into that which was more prized;
showing grace and power with great humility...

He holds our tears in heaven;
saving them perhaps until the appointed time
that we are reunited at the marriage supper of the lamb;
fellowshipping with the saints through the ages
and enjoying the presence of the Lord
in the fruition of the promise...


batgirl said...

I look forward to that. So we press on...

ellehasuly said...

Keep on pressing
on the door of heaven;
though the trials loom
in shadow's repose...
Keep on keeping on
in trust of the Savior's nearness
as we travel the lighted path...
Keep on looking up;
knowing heaven's glory waits for us
at the foot of the cross;
awaiting full measure on eternity's shores...