Monday, April 14, 2008

Re-Runs and Cold Pizza...

I recall when I was a single gal and in my first apartment that a Saturday night could very well include a good book and a plate containing a couple of pieces of cold pizza. Cold pizza and iced coffee are wonderful bedfellows. Maybe it would be a re-run of an old TV show. I am stepping out of the closet as a Trekkie...

The re-run was not the only thing that repeated in this scenario. I would sometimes have to reach for the tums, an open window, or a combination of both. Freedom is a dangerous thing when it is indulged in to excess. Had I kept more company as a grave-shift hermit, I might have been forced to eschew such behavior in favor of being more sociable.

Human nature tends to seek out the comfortable and familiar places and routines; returning to a previous path has its' allure. Re-runs end the way that we expect them to. Cold pizza tastes like...cold pizza. It may be an aquired taste, but once you have it programmed in your neurons; it is found in the endorphin zone:).

New life has its' way of moving us past our comfort zones towards unexplored country, however. Life has changed and expanded the sights and sounds of daily life for me. Luckily for me, my husband also likes re-runs and cold pizza. What a man. He turns on the tube, and I reach for the pizza and the window...and there is love:)...Heaven alone can surpass such simple joys. I can hardly wait.

Cup o'joy
and a fresh taste of the bread of heaven....



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ellehasuly said...

Thanks for your comment:).
