Tuesday, September 29, 2009


I am once again looking at the computer screen and noticing the time. I am doing what I have done countless times before today with a near reckless abandon in lieu of the fact that I do have to wake up in the morning. That has not changed. I steal this time from the land of dreams regardless of the inevitable consequences. I always have something to say; yet train my internal monologue to seep out in controlled deposits. I love writing; and that has not changed.

Situations change. Jobs come and go. Right now, the job I had has gone on hiatus. That hiatus may end...or it may not. I look for work. I work on my resume. I put the word out in my circles that I am on the hunt for a weekly paycheck and a return to the full-throttle life that I have become accustomed to living. I have been forced to change; and therefore re-evaluate what I want and who I am in the interim. I'm sure that sounds familiar to millions of people in the world today. I am not alone; though the pothole of self-pity tries to suck me in and believe that a job loss devalues me. Work is important. I'm one of those folks that like working.

Ultimately, the changes that come will be filtered through the perceptions that I choose to hold on to in the midst of maleable circumstance. I think I will do better to keep an eye out for the potholes and head for the higher ground at the same time. Opportunity will come for me to use what talents I have to hopefully be a blessing. How many changes will sneak up on me in the future? I am thankful that I am not presently aware of them all; as that knowledge would probably not benefit my mental health. I don't need to know all that will happen five years from now. I have my hands full with today.

Chin up, faith intact, and moving onward; I will meet these changes with a confident mantle. Each day is fresh and will offer new changes to help replace the older ones. It's always something; and these little pep-talks will need to be repeated with each dawn. At this rate, I don't think this day's daybreak will engender an immediate pep-talk. Prayer will be in order in order for me to make it over to the pep-talk station. In that spirit; I shall bid you goodnight.

Cup o'joy
and a fresh taste of the bread of heaven to you...


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