Short days
follow crisp winds;
reflections on the soul's waters
bring shadows of memory,
lights of discovery,
and clarified goals...
December fades into the winter paths
of January...
leaving behind the celebration
of the Christmas glory.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Friday, September 26, 2008
Sacrifice of Praise
I was thinking about those verses in the Scriptures that speak of the act of praising God. Offering up a sacrifice of praise seems to invite the Spirit of God into our circumstance. My meager understanding was enough to pull a few words out of my spirit and through the keyboard of the computer. May He bring you to a place of praise for your benefit as well as for His glory.
The sacrifice of praise
arose from the ashes;
scenting the offering's remnants.
Joy had come in the morning;
growing from the bile grown in
the gardens of self-seeking...
Act of will and sound of weeping
coming together to offer
the sacrifice of praise
until the emotion caught up
with the act of faith.
The sacrifice of praise
arose from the ashes;
scenting the offering's remnants.
Joy had come in the morning;
growing from the bile grown in
the gardens of self-seeking...
Act of will and sound of weeping
coming together to offer
the sacrifice of praise
until the emotion caught up
with the act of faith.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
I'm learning,
enjoying the view...
knowing that I can depend
upon the strength of your tender mercies...
I'm rejoicing in sorrows;
releasing my burdens into the hands
of One who knows that my frame is...dust...
You've known my ways
and see past the blinders I cling to;
even when I run into walls
by refusing to take them off...
You've treasured my voice
as I've come before you in pained entreaty...
drawing me to Your heart
as I look for Your face in the melee of circumstance.
You've held me close
and listened patiently
as myopia shaded Your hand from my view...
knowing that I would be rewarded for
my longing for Your truth to be made known to me...
enjoying the view...
knowing that I can depend
upon the strength of your tender mercies...
I'm rejoicing in sorrows;
releasing my burdens into the hands
of One who knows that my frame is...dust...
You've known my ways
and see past the blinders I cling to;
even when I run into walls
by refusing to take them off...
You've treasured my voice
as I've come before you in pained entreaty...
drawing me to Your heart
as I look for Your face in the melee of circumstance.
You've held me close
and listened patiently
as myopia shaded Your hand from my view...
knowing that I would be rewarded for
my longing for Your truth to be made known to me...
Monday, August 11, 2008
Psalm 19:1
"The heavens declare the glory of God; And the firmament shows His handiwork."
I've taken it to heart to study the clouds as of late. The crisp edges and the darker corners of these vaporous formations enthrall me. They rise up to the heavens; bringing our gaze upwards towards the One who created thm as a nartural part of human existence.
Clouds have been instruments of divine guidance(way back in Genesis), rorschach tests between human psyche unwilling to leak the contents of their soul to mortal agents, and wonderful distractions. The unreachable canvas of the sky holds its' majestic inhabitants in parading costume. They are not usually controlled by human interventions(i.e. cloud seeding).
I imagine while I am watching the clouds that God has an extrordinary sense of beauty and its' importance to the human psyche. I can further imagine that their temporal beauty is only outdone by the eternal beauty that rests beyond our sight. I cannot imagine the beauty of heaven. Mercy does not permit me to gaze upon realms of glory while my body is still among the material of earth. Watching the clouds gives me a miniscule taste of that glory; and for the moment I am satisfied.
Enjoy the clouds and linger to send up a prayer for His presence in your life. Mentally send your concerns on the air in the middle of those vaporous creations; allowing His hand to reach where mortal reasoning cannot...
...and then have a cup o'joy
and a fresh taste of the bread of heaven...
I've taken it to heart to study the clouds as of late. The crisp edges and the darker corners of these vaporous formations enthrall me. They rise up to the heavens; bringing our gaze upwards towards the One who created thm as a nartural part of human existence.
Clouds have been instruments of divine guidance(way back in Genesis), rorschach tests between human psyche unwilling to leak the contents of their soul to mortal agents, and wonderful distractions. The unreachable canvas of the sky holds its' majestic inhabitants in parading costume. They are not usually controlled by human interventions(i.e. cloud seeding).
I imagine while I am watching the clouds that God has an extrordinary sense of beauty and its' importance to the human psyche. I can further imagine that their temporal beauty is only outdone by the eternal beauty that rests beyond our sight. I cannot imagine the beauty of heaven. Mercy does not permit me to gaze upon realms of glory while my body is still among the material of earth. Watching the clouds gives me a miniscule taste of that glory; and for the moment I am satisfied.
Enjoy the clouds and linger to send up a prayer for His presence in your life. Mentally send your concerns on the air in the middle of those vaporous creations; allowing His hand to reach where mortal reasoning cannot...
...and then have a cup o'joy
and a fresh taste of the bread of heaven...
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Saturday's Child
"Saturday's Child works hard for a living"
-Mother Goose nursery rhyme
This title is the first thing that popped into my head this morning. I'm going to take a wild leap and write my post about it. Mother Goose is hardly the highest expression of literary merit; but it still has a treasured place as a memento of childhood. I can imagine mothers everywhere sitting down with their children and reading them a nursery rhyme before bedtime or naptime. Language has a wonderful way of connecting people at heart level.
I am thinking of myself as a Saturday's child at the moment. I am going to be working hard to help support my family in the years to come. What a joy this is going to be; aside from the lost time with those I am working to support. Standing at the foot of the cross in supplication for mercy and grace each day; I am going to offer up my efforts to the Lord and ask Him to bless them. Money goes fast and there are needs that a paycheck cannot meet. I am a Saturday's child in the respect that I am going to be working hard for a living; yet I have a heavenly Father that is intimately concerned with the unfolding of my days. I am going to trust Him to "supply all my needs according to His riches in Christ Jesus" and rest in His faithfulness to do just that. ("And my God shall supply all your needs according to His riches in Christ Jesus". Philippians 4:19).
This is the day that He has made for His glory. My joy will come as I offer up my day to Him as an act of worship. The invitation is given for Him to take my tiny hand and lead me where He wants me to go; and be who He wants me to be for today. Saturday's child works hard for a living...but sees that work as an opportunity to step into destiny's footprints. Praising Him will be part of that walk; as He will inhabit those praises(Psalm 22:3 NKJV)and bring me into His presence.
My prayer for you today will be for Him to inhabit your praises. Enjoy the work that you find to do and rejoice in it; redeeming the time for His glory.
Have a cup o'joy
and a fresh taste of the bread of heaven...
-Mother Goose nursery rhyme
This title is the first thing that popped into my head this morning. I'm going to take a wild leap and write my post about it. Mother Goose is hardly the highest expression of literary merit; but it still has a treasured place as a memento of childhood. I can imagine mothers everywhere sitting down with their children and reading them a nursery rhyme before bedtime or naptime. Language has a wonderful way of connecting people at heart level.
I am thinking of myself as a Saturday's child at the moment. I am going to be working hard to help support my family in the years to come. What a joy this is going to be; aside from the lost time with those I am working to support. Standing at the foot of the cross in supplication for mercy and grace each day; I am going to offer up my efforts to the Lord and ask Him to bless them. Money goes fast and there are needs that a paycheck cannot meet. I am a Saturday's child in the respect that I am going to be working hard for a living; yet I have a heavenly Father that is intimately concerned with the unfolding of my days. I am going to trust Him to "supply all my needs according to His riches in Christ Jesus" and rest in His faithfulness to do just that. ("And my God shall supply all your needs according to His riches in Christ Jesus". Philippians 4:19).
This is the day that He has made for His glory. My joy will come as I offer up my day to Him as an act of worship. The invitation is given for Him to take my tiny hand and lead me where He wants me to go; and be who He wants me to be for today. Saturday's child works hard for a living...but sees that work as an opportunity to step into destiny's footprints. Praising Him will be part of that walk; as He will inhabit those praises(Psalm 22:3 NKJV)and bring me into His presence.
My prayer for you today will be for Him to inhabit your praises. Enjoy the work that you find to do and rejoice in it; redeeming the time for His glory.
Have a cup o'joy
and a fresh taste of the bread of heaven...
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Stretching up towards Heaven's shores;
my rumbling spirit leads me on
towards the reward of His sustaining joy.
Captured by grace;
my longing draws me towards
the hem of His garment;
My hands raised and stretching themselves
past normal expression;
full expectation of His hand reaching down
to meet me in my need...
Stretching up towards Heaven's shores;
my hunger propels me on...
setting my eyes on those tasks that
warm the Father's heart.
my rumbling spirit leads me on
towards the reward of His sustaining joy.
Captured by grace;
my longing draws me towards
the hem of His garment;
My hands raised and stretching themselves
past normal expression;
full expectation of His hand reaching down
to meet me in my need...
Stretching up towards Heaven's shores;
my hunger propels me on...
setting my eyes on those tasks that
warm the Father's heart.
Monday, June 30, 2008
Mental Deposits
I have a writer's imagination. My thought processes jump into the fanciful and sublime and then back to the practical. Daydreaming is a plethora of material; as the pictures play like a movie in my head. In short, I have something brewing in my spirit. It isn't complete; but then again it will never be this side of Glory. It is as if the Lord is doodling in my mind. Rest assured I mean no disrespect to the Most High; I simply lack adequate ability to express what I see in my mind's eye. I need much help from the Lord in this respect; and figure that He can supply the words to match my mental images.
His Word draws me into the feast of the Spirit. He has what I need to survive and hopefully thrive as I follow Him into this adventure of writing. Do I ever hope to publish someday? I will confess that I do have that hope; but it is not the ultimate test of artistic expression. I shall write as I sense Him leading me to write; and that alone is justification for the act.
In concluding this brief expository adventure(and thanks for hanging in there with me, by the way...), Let me express the joy that He gives as He allows me to share what He gives me with you. Come on back and share your mental deposits with me as you are able. His joy is expanded among us as we share in His goodness.
Have a cup o'joy
and a fresh taste of the bread of heaven...
His Word draws me into the feast of the Spirit. He has what I need to survive and hopefully thrive as I follow Him into this adventure of writing. Do I ever hope to publish someday? I will confess that I do have that hope; but it is not the ultimate test of artistic expression. I shall write as I sense Him leading me to write; and that alone is justification for the act.
In concluding this brief expository adventure(and thanks for hanging in there with me, by the way...), Let me express the joy that He gives as He allows me to share what He gives me with you. Come on back and share your mental deposits with me as you are able. His joy is expanded among us as we share in His goodness.
Have a cup o'joy
and a fresh taste of the bread of heaven...
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Note from the Land of Lynne
I have posted two pieces today. I've just had a bunch of material brewing; and don't want to burden the other blogs. Actually, I have a new one on the Edge; so I have confess to that one...Be blessed.
Have a cup o'joy
and a fresh taste of the bread of heaven...
Have a cup o'joy
and a fresh taste of the bread of heaven...
Do I please You?
Have I measured up
to who You made me to be?
I need You.
You alone know my heart;
and where the arid places
await the rain...
My fear will bow
to faith once more;
as Your word
Keeps me treading water;
and praising You
for Your willingness to pay so willingly
for what I cannot afford to live without.
Do I please You?
Have I measured up
to who You made me to be?
I need You.
You alone know my heart;
and where the arid places
await the rain...
My fear will bow
to faith once more;
as Your word
Keeps me treading water;
and praising You
for Your willingness to pay so willingly
for what I cannot afford to live without.
Monday, June 16, 2008
Choosing Words
I am sitting down to the computer with a measure of intrepidation tonight. I don't have writer's block at the moment; though indecision over a choice of words has been known to hold me back from finishing some pieces of writing. I am feeling like a tube of toothpaste lately. My mouth opens; and the squishy stuff just oozes. I don't always see the color of the ooze until the words are on the page. Thus, I end up feeling a bit naked. That happens to creative types; we create out of our perception, out of inspiration; and a problem arises when we don't know our own hearts. The problem is: the human heart is deceitful. It's contents are often beyond our best mental gymnastics. Perhaps I speak only for myself; bear with me in that event and just nod when you agree:).
The fire to create that burns within me needs balance; if only to keep me on this side of a locked door. That balance comes as I evalutate the worth of a piece of writing in light of human experience and my understanding of Biblical truth. I am far from perfected in this quest; and will be imperfect until I reach glory(and by that time, language as we know it will probably undergo a few changes at least).
There are those rooms in each of our souls that we keep under lock and key. The shadows and the whispers they contain hold the power to free us or maim us; depending on when and if we unlock the door. That fear of being a "black hole of ministry" can certainly keep my locks safe and ward off the use of a key. I am propelled towards hiding in the shadows to make the futile attempt to put the rooms in order without assistance from the outside world. Ideally, the Lord himself will be in charge of the inventory and protect me from others and myself. Reality lauches a series of leaks grown out of loneliness, misguided defense mechanisms, and just the exposure of daily living. We are what we think; and those gems or impurities rise to the surface. Our skeletons rattle in the closet until we let them out in an attempt to find peace.
That peace only comes from leaning on Jesus and the blessed fellowship of the saints. We cannot hold every piece within our rooms on our own and expect to make a picture out of them. We need the Lord's hand, the interaction of our brothers and sisters; and the courage to step out in faith into each new day. There is a price tag to everything; and the cost can leave us depleted or enriched. The full picture cannot be seen apart from a combination of all of these factors.
Thankfully, I can run to my strong tower of safety and find rest. I can check my perceptions against the reality of what God says about me. Truth will set me free; as it has for so many that have come before me. Whatever He uses to bring fresh levels of wholeness to my being is His business.
Ultimately, I pray to be more of a blessing than a burden. My temptation to just hide until I can fix the marred puzzle pieces is strong; tying me with cords of shame. I can apologize for breathing if you catch me on the right day; and I will mean it from the depths of my being. My only hope is in touching the hem of His garment; for there is where the scales on my eyes fall off and the rejoicing begins.
He is able to do what I cannot do; and His sacrifice of love enables me to keep reaching for grace.
Have a cup o'joy
and a fresh taste of the bread of heaven...
I've had the following verses brewing in me as I wrote this:
John 3:16
Psalm 144
James 4
...and many more I will discuss at a later date:).
More joy,
The fire to create that burns within me needs balance; if only to keep me on this side of a locked door. That balance comes as I evalutate the worth of a piece of writing in light of human experience and my understanding of Biblical truth. I am far from perfected in this quest; and will be imperfect until I reach glory(and by that time, language as we know it will probably undergo a few changes at least).
There are those rooms in each of our souls that we keep under lock and key. The shadows and the whispers they contain hold the power to free us or maim us; depending on when and if we unlock the door. That fear of being a "black hole of ministry" can certainly keep my locks safe and ward off the use of a key. I am propelled towards hiding in the shadows to make the futile attempt to put the rooms in order without assistance from the outside world. Ideally, the Lord himself will be in charge of the inventory and protect me from others and myself. Reality lauches a series of leaks grown out of loneliness, misguided defense mechanisms, and just the exposure of daily living. We are what we think; and those gems or impurities rise to the surface. Our skeletons rattle in the closet until we let them out in an attempt to find peace.
That peace only comes from leaning on Jesus and the blessed fellowship of the saints. We cannot hold every piece within our rooms on our own and expect to make a picture out of them. We need the Lord's hand, the interaction of our brothers and sisters; and the courage to step out in faith into each new day. There is a price tag to everything; and the cost can leave us depleted or enriched. The full picture cannot be seen apart from a combination of all of these factors.
Thankfully, I can run to my strong tower of safety and find rest. I can check my perceptions against the reality of what God says about me. Truth will set me free; as it has for so many that have come before me. Whatever He uses to bring fresh levels of wholeness to my being is His business.
Ultimately, I pray to be more of a blessing than a burden. My temptation to just hide until I can fix the marred puzzle pieces is strong; tying me with cords of shame. I can apologize for breathing if you catch me on the right day; and I will mean it from the depths of my being. My only hope is in touching the hem of His garment; for there is where the scales on my eyes fall off and the rejoicing begins.
He is able to do what I cannot do; and His sacrifice of love enables me to keep reaching for grace.
Have a cup o'joy
and a fresh taste of the bread of heaven...
I've had the following verses brewing in me as I wrote this:
John 3:16
Psalm 144
James 4
...and many more I will discuss at a later date:).
More joy,
Monday, June 9, 2008
Face in Hands
Face turned upwards;
allowing the hands to
lift the countenance towards
renewed perspective...
I am held in love,
sought after and
devotedly pursued
amid the sound of singing...
Oh, His eyes toward me
melt the hardened places;
ordering my perceptions
toward the eternal,
toward the pure-flowing streams...
...and toward the joy rediscovered
in the midst of memory-walk.
allowing the hands to
lift the countenance towards
renewed perspective...
I am held in love,
sought after and
devotedly pursued
amid the sound of singing...
Oh, His eyes toward me
melt the hardened places;
ordering my perceptions
toward the eternal,
toward the pure-flowing streams...
...and toward the joy rediscovered
in the midst of memory-walk.
Monday, June 2, 2008
Psalm 81:1&2
Sing Alound to God our strength;
Make a joyful shout to the God of Jacob.
Raise a song and strike the timbrel,
The pleasant harp with the lute.
Come, Lord, and inhabit my praises;
for You are the source of my joy...
You provide for my every need
by the grace and the mercy provided...
I will sing aloud to You, O God!
I will make a joyful noise to rise up
to the clouds and beyond.
I will purpose in my heart
to gaze on Your creation in remembrance
of all You have done,
all that You promise,
and all that You sustain...
Come, Lord, and inhabit my praises;
for You are the source of my joy...
You stir the longing within me for Your presence,
quicken my spirit to hear Your voice,
and bring me to the pleasant places because of
Your lovingkindnesses...
Let my thankful heart invite You
to come transform me;
for Your hand alone will bring me to
the fruition of the promise.
Make a joyful shout to the God of Jacob.
Raise a song and strike the timbrel,
The pleasant harp with the lute.
Come, Lord, and inhabit my praises;
for You are the source of my joy...
You provide for my every need
by the grace and the mercy provided...
I will sing aloud to You, O God!
I will make a joyful noise to rise up
to the clouds and beyond.
I will purpose in my heart
to gaze on Your creation in remembrance
of all You have done,
all that You promise,
and all that You sustain...
Come, Lord, and inhabit my praises;
for You are the source of my joy...
You stir the longing within me for Your presence,
quicken my spirit to hear Your voice,
and bring me to the pleasant places because of
Your lovingkindnesses...
Let my thankful heart invite You
to come transform me;
for Your hand alone will bring me to
the fruition of the promise.
Monday, May 26, 2008
Good Morning
Greetings and salutations to you all. I have dishes waiting for me in the sink, and I still haven't dressed my feet. Yet, I find the time to sit at the computer and play with the keyboard:). Same old Lynne! I tend to find the time to do what I want to do; whether or not it follows the pattern of responsible decision-making. I'm still waiting to see if I am going to grow up or not. It doesn't look promising as I see the hill fast approaching. Still, I take each day as it comes; as the days tend to stick together and pile up like old mail. I need to make the determination to stop saving those silly pieces of junk mail for book marks and scrap paper. They get lost and I am scrambling to replace the information I need to keep in a more dependable place. I am saying all this to eventually make it to the point of the post: it's always something.
I am believing that the Lord's mercies are new for me this morning. Those tiny habits and sins that clog the flow of efficient living are probably there because I haven't decided to alter them and/or replace them with new habits and perspectives. Let's hear it for new beginnings. What do you hope to adjust in your daily life to make the days easier or more productive? (Am I really being this anal this early in the day? I suppose that I am just a little interesting to the Psychiatric profession as a result).
By God's grace and mercy I will make it from point a to point b today. Those challenges that loom will be pushed aside by the blessings of the day for a time; and that is as it should be. In order to gear up for the challenges; I think we first need to replentish the hope and perspective to make the best choices that we can make. An attitude of gratitude will sustain when the potholes pop up on our path. May the Lord quicken our feet to step to the side just in time; preventing us from risking life and limb in the pit.
He loves us with a passion that goes beyond our ability to comprehend. Join me today in remembering that passion as we approach a new day. He has made this day for His glory and supplies all our needs according to His riches in Christ Jesus. Let's get our praise on and rejoice that He is thinking of us today and every day. May we be changed by focusing our eyes on the riches of His word.
Have a cup o'joy
and a fresh taste of the bread of heaven...
I am believing that the Lord's mercies are new for me this morning. Those tiny habits and sins that clog the flow of efficient living are probably there because I haven't decided to alter them and/or replace them with new habits and perspectives. Let's hear it for new beginnings. What do you hope to adjust in your daily life to make the days easier or more productive? (Am I really being this anal this early in the day? I suppose that I am just a little interesting to the Psychiatric profession as a result).
By God's grace and mercy I will make it from point a to point b today. Those challenges that loom will be pushed aside by the blessings of the day for a time; and that is as it should be. In order to gear up for the challenges; I think we first need to replentish the hope and perspective to make the best choices that we can make. An attitude of gratitude will sustain when the potholes pop up on our path. May the Lord quicken our feet to step to the side just in time; preventing us from risking life and limb in the pit.
He loves us with a passion that goes beyond our ability to comprehend. Join me today in remembering that passion as we approach a new day. He has made this day for His glory and supplies all our needs according to His riches in Christ Jesus. Let's get our praise on and rejoice that He is thinking of us today and every day. May we be changed by focusing our eyes on the riches of His word.
Have a cup o'joy
and a fresh taste of the bread of heaven...
Friday, May 16, 2008
Just Thinking...
Today marks the(eventual)closing of another week. It seems as if this week has been a bit stressful; dodging "bullets" and apologizing for missed appointments. I am making plans to retrain for a new career, and yet still dreaming of the writing life. The two will have to get along; as they have no choice in the matter. Each day is fresh with no mistakes in it(though that lasts for only a short time). I am taking a deep breath and diving into another day with hope intact.
It's always someting. The "trick" of surviving daily life is to tie the knot securely and get as comfortable as possible on that knot. Rope burns are minimized if you keep your eyes on the prize: living for Christ. Perspective will come, and the blur in your eyes from fretting over the temporal, passing scenes will clear to reveal new hope and new challenges. Oh, my understanding is incomplete to be sure! I grasp and shake my head at the same time some days. Still, I am sustained by grace. The Lord has provided for my needs according to His riches in Christ Jesus.
I shall pray today that you can keep your perspective as well. I have been reading in Philippians(4:6&7)about not focusing on those things that bring anxiety and concern. Seems like a lofty goal as I function in an earthsuit, but I will keep refocusing my gaze and praying until it becomes more of a habit in my life. How about you? I invite you to seek God today in your moments of doubt...and in your moments of joy.
Have a cup o'joy
and a fresh taste of the bread of heaven...
It's always someting. The "trick" of surviving daily life is to tie the knot securely and get as comfortable as possible on that knot. Rope burns are minimized if you keep your eyes on the prize: living for Christ. Perspective will come, and the blur in your eyes from fretting over the temporal, passing scenes will clear to reveal new hope and new challenges. Oh, my understanding is incomplete to be sure! I grasp and shake my head at the same time some days. Still, I am sustained by grace. The Lord has provided for my needs according to His riches in Christ Jesus.
I shall pray today that you can keep your perspective as well. I have been reading in Philippians(4:6&7)about not focusing on those things that bring anxiety and concern. Seems like a lofty goal as I function in an earthsuit, but I will keep refocusing my gaze and praying until it becomes more of a habit in my life. How about you? I invite you to seek God today in your moments of doubt...and in your moments of joy.
Have a cup o'joy
and a fresh taste of the bread of heaven...
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Smoke Signals
Remove the root that festers;
sustaining rot and that putrid stench
of that which has gone bad...
Trace the arrow back to the point of entry, Lord...
calling to mind the sin inflicted by my own hand;
and carving off the calloused flesh to allow
new levels of healing...
draw out the poison, Lord...
and renew the springs of hope and forgiveness;
for what have I done that You cannot forgive?
what have they done that I cannot give a piece of my heart
as a downpayment towards a full release from my judgement?
Soften my heart to seek Your face on that journey towards renewal...
loosening the grip I have on the door I push against to guard against light.
Remove the root that poisons the waters;
and draw back the scales from my eyes.
sustaining rot and that putrid stench
of that which has gone bad...
Trace the arrow back to the point of entry, Lord...
calling to mind the sin inflicted by my own hand;
and carving off the calloused flesh to allow
new levels of healing...
draw out the poison, Lord...
and renew the springs of hope and forgiveness;
for what have I done that You cannot forgive?
what have they done that I cannot give a piece of my heart
as a downpayment towards a full release from my judgement?
Soften my heart to seek Your face on that journey towards renewal...
loosening the grip I have on the door I push against to guard against light.
Remove the root that poisons the waters;
and draw back the scales from my eyes.
Sunday, May 4, 2008
It's Me Again...
Morning! I just added a new feature on the bottom of my blog page. If you scroll down to the bottom of the page, you will see a thought-provoking question with list of multiple choice answers. I hope you take a few minutes to put your two-cents into the mix:). I am looking forward to the responses; and I will be sure to change the question once a month(which gives more folks time to put in their two cents:).
Cup o'joy...
Cup o'joy...
I neglected to mention that I am stuck on the NKJV these days. I took the last verses I posted on the blog from the NKJV(New King James Version).
Joy and fresh bread...
Joy and fresh bread...
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Philippians 4:4-9
Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I will say, rejoice! Let your gentleness be known to all men. The Lord is at hand. Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication let your requests be made known to God;and the peace of God which passes all understanding will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Finally, brethren, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy-meditate on these things. The things which you learned and received and heard and saw in me, these do, and the God of peace will be with you.
This verse goes with the last post. There is so much in it that I could write for a lifetime on all the Spirit stirs up within me as I read it. I pray that He would show you today how to rejoice in Him. In these days of anxiety, I pray that He teaches us anew how to stay in an attitude of prayer. We need His strength to focus on those things that are lovely, true, of good report, and praiseworthy. Let's praise Him and invite His presence in our lives; and may it increase in the days to come.
Have a cup o'joy
and a fresh taste of the bread of heaven...
Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I will say, rejoice! Let your gentleness be known to all men. The Lord is at hand. Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication let your requests be made known to God;and the peace of God which passes all understanding will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Finally, brethren, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy-meditate on these things. The things which you learned and received and heard and saw in me, these do, and the God of peace will be with you.
This verse goes with the last post. There is so much in it that I could write for a lifetime on all the Spirit stirs up within me as I read it. I pray that He would show you today how to rejoice in Him. In these days of anxiety, I pray that He teaches us anew how to stay in an attitude of prayer. We need His strength to focus on those things that are lovely, true, of good report, and praiseworthy. Let's praise Him and invite His presence in our lives; and may it increase in the days to come.
Have a cup o'joy
and a fresh taste of the bread of heaven...
Friday, May 2, 2008
Dancing in the Raindrops
"Rejoice" He says...
while the apparent scent of dung
floats up to my nostrils;
burning away any illusion of
easy jubilation...
Still, act of will
and leap of faith
combine to form a tenuous bridge
towards grace and gratitude;
knowing that my eyes are not accustomed
to seeing the rush of angels' wings...
"Rejoice in the Lord always..."
brought a puzzling rampage of inner rebellion;
as my selfish desires pushed themselves to the
forerfront of my consciousness.
I looked down and noticed the water slapping playfully
against my dancing feet;
bringing me to the foot of the cross
and arising again with the jubilation of knowing His presence...
Once again, I see His beauty in the water of provision
and rejoice in the promise that the droughts have their endings.
while the apparent scent of dung
floats up to my nostrils;
burning away any illusion of
easy jubilation...
Still, act of will
and leap of faith
combine to form a tenuous bridge
towards grace and gratitude;
knowing that my eyes are not accustomed
to seeing the rush of angels' wings...
"Rejoice in the Lord always..."
brought a puzzling rampage of inner rebellion;
as my selfish desires pushed themselves to the
forerfront of my consciousness.
I looked down and noticed the water slapping playfully
against my dancing feet;
bringing me to the foot of the cross
and arising again with the jubilation of knowing His presence...
Once again, I see His beauty in the water of provision
and rejoice in the promise that the droughts have their endings.
Monday, April 14, 2008
Re-Runs and Cold Pizza...
I recall when I was a single gal and in my first apartment that a Saturday night could very well include a good book and a plate containing a couple of pieces of cold pizza. Cold pizza and iced coffee are wonderful bedfellows. Maybe it would be a re-run of an old TV show. I am stepping out of the closet as a Trekkie...
The re-run was not the only thing that repeated in this scenario. I would sometimes have to reach for the tums, an open window, or a combination of both. Freedom is a dangerous thing when it is indulged in to excess. Had I kept more company as a grave-shift hermit, I might have been forced to eschew such behavior in favor of being more sociable.
Human nature tends to seek out the comfortable and familiar places and routines; returning to a previous path has its' allure. Re-runs end the way that we expect them to. Cold pizza tastes like...cold pizza. It may be an aquired taste, but once you have it programmed in your neurons; it is found in the endorphin zone:).
New life has its' way of moving us past our comfort zones towards unexplored country, however. Life has changed and expanded the sights and sounds of daily life for me. Luckily for me, my husband also likes re-runs and cold pizza. What a man. He turns on the tube, and I reach for the pizza and the window...and there is love:)...Heaven alone can surpass such simple joys. I can hardly wait.
Cup o'joy
and a fresh taste of the bread of heaven....
The re-run was not the only thing that repeated in this scenario. I would sometimes have to reach for the tums, an open window, or a combination of both. Freedom is a dangerous thing when it is indulged in to excess. Had I kept more company as a grave-shift hermit, I might have been forced to eschew such behavior in favor of being more sociable.
Human nature tends to seek out the comfortable and familiar places and routines; returning to a previous path has its' allure. Re-runs end the way that we expect them to. Cold pizza tastes like...cold pizza. It may be an aquired taste, but once you have it programmed in your neurons; it is found in the endorphin zone:).
New life has its' way of moving us past our comfort zones towards unexplored country, however. Life has changed and expanded the sights and sounds of daily life for me. Luckily for me, my husband also likes re-runs and cold pizza. What a man. He turns on the tube, and I reach for the pizza and the window...and there is love:)...Heaven alone can surpass such simple joys. I can hardly wait.
Cup o'joy
and a fresh taste of the bread of heaven....
Friday, April 11, 2008
Joy In The Journey
I may be taking a leap of faith with regards to what I sense as the Lord's leading, but I am thinking that I am being encouraged to remember that there is much joy in the journey with Him(even in the midst of stressful situations). I am not talking about being happy with the situation at hand. No. I am really not saying that...
However, there are moments to be grasped and praises to be sung in the midst of anything. He inhabits our praises and ushers in words of comfort by the Holy Spirit
when we seek Him with our whole heart. Trying to see the situation from His perspective isn't always possible; but just making the effort to remember that His ways are past our understanding can jolt us out of a self-inflicted pity party. If I am "going down", I want to "go down" swinging. You may think of it as a giant raspberry in the face of our adversary. "I still love the Lord, even though I am confused at the moment. So there."
He is worthy of our praise in the valleys as well as the mountains. My prayer is to stay out of the pit as much as possible. I am setting the goal on the prize of being like Him. If I fall on my derriere, I want as much cushion as possible. Praise is like that cushion...bringing the joy of Lord into the darkness of the valleys. He is able to make all things new in His timing. He is that awesome.
Have a cup o'joy and a fresh taste of the bread of heaven...
However, there are moments to be grasped and praises to be sung in the midst of anything. He inhabits our praises and ushers in words of comfort by the Holy Spirit
when we seek Him with our whole heart. Trying to see the situation from His perspective isn't always possible; but just making the effort to remember that His ways are past our understanding can jolt us out of a self-inflicted pity party. If I am "going down", I want to "go down" swinging. You may think of it as a giant raspberry in the face of our adversary. "I still love the Lord, even though I am confused at the moment. So there."
He is worthy of our praise in the valleys as well as the mountains. My prayer is to stay out of the pit as much as possible. I am setting the goal on the prize of being like Him. If I fall on my derriere, I want as much cushion as possible. Praise is like that cushion...bringing the joy of Lord into the darkness of the valleys. He is able to make all things new in His timing. He is that awesome.
Have a cup o'joy and a fresh taste of the bread of heaven...
Praying for Patience...
I think I must have been praying for patience lately. I am pushing jello up a hill, it seems; and the result is a mess. I am honestly a tad irritated, confused, and would just like to "take my ball and go home." This sounds pretty human, and it is. On days like this, I think I can understand why hermits sign off on the normal bumps and bruises brought on by interpersonal contact. We seem to grow contentious quite easily; brandying about strong emotional responses to comments not intended to inflame either soul or spirit. I am ready to fight.
On the other hand, I am praying with confidence that the events of my days will either blow over or morph into a glorious blessing that I haven't fathomed yet. I am still trying to clean the steam from my lenses brought about by the emissions of my ears. I know it must be either for my good or brought about by my own human failing. I am going to go for a walk or just consider conversation kept on a most superficial level for about a week as a breather. I might look for the bullseye my husband uses to practice his archery skill just to take out some of my aggression. The dross has to go somewhere; and I figure that is a safe outlet.
The only thing left to do is to lay my heart before the Lord and just seek Him with regards to what I am doing wrong. It is not my responsibility to explain myself ad nauseum until the other parties are convinced I am in the right. I am not sure I am right in the first place. He knows what's best. I, for one, don't want to talk to another human being until the Lord and myself have had some time together. He is my hiding place, and I rejoice in knowing that He has an answer. The question is: am I going to listen? I pray that I do.
Joy in the Journey,
On the other hand, I am praying with confidence that the events of my days will either blow over or morph into a glorious blessing that I haven't fathomed yet. I am still trying to clean the steam from my lenses brought about by the emissions of my ears. I know it must be either for my good or brought about by my own human failing. I am going to go for a walk or just consider conversation kept on a most superficial level for about a week as a breather. I might look for the bullseye my husband uses to practice his archery skill just to take out some of my aggression. The dross has to go somewhere; and I figure that is a safe outlet.
The only thing left to do is to lay my heart before the Lord and just seek Him with regards to what I am doing wrong. It is not my responsibility to explain myself ad nauseum until the other parties are convinced I am in the right. I am not sure I am right in the first place. He knows what's best. I, for one, don't want to talk to another human being until the Lord and myself have had some time together. He is my hiding place, and I rejoice in knowing that He has an answer. The question is: am I going to listen? I pray that I do.
Joy in the Journey,
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
The Learning Curve
I recall the phrase "grading on the curve" in school. It was a mixed bag, as I never knew if the grade I received was a true reflection of the quality of work I produced. I am sure it pulled my fat out of the fire academically a few times; I must admit. There is no pride in that admission; only guilt. What does this have to do with my post? Hang in there, and you will see...
Can you imagine if God "graded us on the curve"? What a mess that would be. He has standards; not a round-table of discussion with regards to what the cost will be for falling off the wagon. It would depend too much on the actions of fickle humanity and the chameleon-like behavior that humanity puts forth as righteous.
It seems to me that we act like He evaluates us on the curve. I know that I do when I start evaluating my worth against what others are able to do. I am not them; and that sets up an impossible standard. My learning curve is set by the Lord; and not by evaluating my worth against what others are called to do and to be. I would love to be able to master music theory, understand physics, or publish a novel. It would even be nice to hike the Appalachian trail or work out of my house and make enough money to put my kids through college. The eye is never satisfied.
Instead, I propose that the learning curve begin where we are. Wherever we are on the journey towards becoming like Him, let's begin each day with the expectancy that comes from knowing who He is. That is the best place to be on the learning curve.
Have a cup o'joy
and a fresh taste of the bread of heaven...
Can you imagine if God "graded us on the curve"? What a mess that would be. He has standards; not a round-table of discussion with regards to what the cost will be for falling off the wagon. It would depend too much on the actions of fickle humanity and the chameleon-like behavior that humanity puts forth as righteous.
It seems to me that we act like He evaluates us on the curve. I know that I do when I start evaluating my worth against what others are able to do. I am not them; and that sets up an impossible standard. My learning curve is set by the Lord; and not by evaluating my worth against what others are called to do and to be. I would love to be able to master music theory, understand physics, or publish a novel. It would even be nice to hike the Appalachian trail or work out of my house and make enough money to put my kids through college. The eye is never satisfied.
Instead, I propose that the learning curve begin where we are. Wherever we are on the journey towards becoming like Him, let's begin each day with the expectancy that comes from knowing who He is. That is the best place to be on the learning curve.
Have a cup o'joy
and a fresh taste of the bread of heaven...
Saturday, March 29, 2008
To Grow Where I am Planted
I have a plaque hanging in my bathroom that exhorts me to realize that God blesses every day(and it is up to me to notice). It was given to me by a family member that I cherish. I am reminded of her every morning as I read it, and every night as I get ready for bed. It brings so many things to my mind when I think about what it means to live in joy and celebrate the work of His hands.
In my mind, I am thinking of what I would be like if I truly grasped the faithfulness of God in my circumstances. Do I trust Him? Why don't I trust Him more? Do I really want to "pray for patience" in order to grow more like Him? I don't want to take on more than I can handle; but do I really know what I can handle? He tells me that I am never given more than I can handle. I confess that I doubt that He knows what He is doing sometimes when it comes to that question. Is that sin? Yes. Those moments of cowardice come to me in moments of weakness. He comes through for me. He is faithful.
Choosing to glorify Him right where I am and seek His presence in my daily life is what I think that the phrase means. Is there some measure of contentedness that must come to me in order to achieve this? Perhaps. Is it a sentence to just settle for whatever and not try to develop what I feel drawn towards as my callings in this life? I don't think so.
It is my prayer to discern each day what I need to focus on in order to grow in my walk with the Lord. That punch list will change as I grow closer to His image. That is going to take the rest of my days. In my spirit, I know that it is all worth it; as eternity is in my heart as a draw towards the prize set before me.
Have a cup o'joy,
and a fresh taste of the bread of heaven..
In my mind, I am thinking of what I would be like if I truly grasped the faithfulness of God in my circumstances. Do I trust Him? Why don't I trust Him more? Do I really want to "pray for patience" in order to grow more like Him? I don't want to take on more than I can handle; but do I really know what I can handle? He tells me that I am never given more than I can handle. I confess that I doubt that He knows what He is doing sometimes when it comes to that question. Is that sin? Yes. Those moments of cowardice come to me in moments of weakness. He comes through for me. He is faithful.
Choosing to glorify Him right where I am and seek His presence in my daily life is what I think that the phrase means. Is there some measure of contentedness that must come to me in order to achieve this? Perhaps. Is it a sentence to just settle for whatever and not try to develop what I feel drawn towards as my callings in this life? I don't think so.
It is my prayer to discern each day what I need to focus on in order to grow in my walk with the Lord. That punch list will change as I grow closer to His image. That is going to take the rest of my days. In my spirit, I know that it is all worth it; as eternity is in my heart as a draw towards the prize set before me.
Have a cup o'joy,
and a fresh taste of the bread of heaven..
Monday, March 17, 2008
Singin' and Swingin'
Singin' and swingin'
and getting merry like Christmas;
I'm getting the hang
of this praisin' thang...
Glory surrounds me
as the song in my heart grows;
carving out nooks for the Spirit
...and washing my spirit
in mercy and grace...
Singin' and swingin'
as a statement of faith;
as I am caught between the now
...and the "not yet" that I am so longing for...
and getting merry like Christmas;
I'm getting the hang
of this praisin' thang...
Glory surrounds me
as the song in my heart grows;
carving out nooks for the Spirit
...and washing my spirit
in mercy and grace...
Singin' and swingin'
as a statement of faith;
as I am caught between the now
...and the "not yet" that I am so longing for...
It is Monday again.
I haven't figured out how to change the date on that last post. Suffice it to say, I did not post it on March 4. Bear with me as I try to figure out how to fix that snafu.
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Mixing Colors
My daughter has been experimenting with her creative side. Her mediums include crayons, food coloring, and poster paints. Her face is the canvas at times; as she creates new designs on her face, the floor, and the table. She is learning about mixing colors, too. Yesterday, she was experimenting with a kelly green and a stark white. It was a delightful color. I noticed as I started trying to get it out of her bedroom rug.
I think life is much like that rug, in a way. The colors that we have to work with separate and combine as expressions of who we are on any given day. The intensity of the hues varies to the degree that we let light in to either soften the color or keep the intensity strong. Our colors throw shadows and paint either joy or doors that shut out light for a while.
I have always loved the color of royal blue. The intensity and the impression of vibrancy have drawn me as a mosquito to a bug zapper. I could get lost in that color for weeks and not miss the outside world. I need other colors, though. The darker colors add important accents to my life; breaking up the luxurious color experience of the blues and the greens.
My prayer for you is to enjoy the colors you have on your palette today. Make your own music and rejoice in the day that the Lord has given to you.
Have a cup o'joy
and a fresh taste of the bread of heaven...
I think life is much like that rug, in a way. The colors that we have to work with separate and combine as expressions of who we are on any given day. The intensity of the hues varies to the degree that we let light in to either soften the color or keep the intensity strong. Our colors throw shadows and paint either joy or doors that shut out light for a while.
I have always loved the color of royal blue. The intensity and the impression of vibrancy have drawn me as a mosquito to a bug zapper. I could get lost in that color for weeks and not miss the outside world. I need other colors, though. The darker colors add important accents to my life; breaking up the luxurious color experience of the blues and the greens.
My prayer for you is to enjoy the colors you have on your palette today. Make your own music and rejoice in the day that the Lord has given to you.
Have a cup o'joy
and a fresh taste of the bread of heaven...
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Choosing Joy
I was listening to a woman on a talk show speak of the power of praising God regardless of circumstance. She went so far as to say that she would respond to an inquiry about how she was doing with a "choosing joy" response. I had recalled the verse that compells us to "choose life", and how our choices add up to either the abundant life or something far less than we were meant to experience. The phrase seemed to make sense. I have been thinking about that choice of joy on and off this week. Yes, I have been "brewing" something in response to that phrase. It will not release me from its' grasp. I figure that I am either just obsessing as a result of a personality quirk or the Lord is really trying to get my attention.
On the way to choosing joy this week, I got stuck here and there on the daily potholes and the overall picture of my life as I see it. Eventually, I started dodging the potholes and refocusing on the Lord. I may have to go back to a few of those potholes and fill them in as a part of being a responsible adult. In the midst of those responsibilities, challenges, and mountain shadows I long to praise Him with a single-minded heart. Regardless of the circumstance I find myself in, He is the Alpha and the Omega. This temporal struggle of life will be a small blip on the screen of eternity. Perspective is powerful; and when powered by faith it is a glorious propellant towards the abundant life.
My prayer today is that we will be enabled by the Holy Spirit to refocus our energies towards that powerful instrument of praise. He is worthy regardless of the view we get from the vantage point of our scratched lenses. His sacrifice and grace enable us to overcome the struggles of walking this earth in our clay packages.
Cup o'joy
and a fresh taste of the bread of heaven to you...
On the way to choosing joy this week, I got stuck here and there on the daily potholes and the overall picture of my life as I see it. Eventually, I started dodging the potholes and refocusing on the Lord. I may have to go back to a few of those potholes and fill them in as a part of being a responsible adult. In the midst of those responsibilities, challenges, and mountain shadows I long to praise Him with a single-minded heart. Regardless of the circumstance I find myself in, He is the Alpha and the Omega. This temporal struggle of life will be a small blip on the screen of eternity. Perspective is powerful; and when powered by faith it is a glorious propellant towards the abundant life.
My prayer today is that we will be enabled by the Holy Spirit to refocus our energies towards that powerful instrument of praise. He is worthy regardless of the view we get from the vantage point of our scratched lenses. His sacrifice and grace enable us to overcome the struggles of walking this earth in our clay packages.
Cup o'joy
and a fresh taste of the bread of heaven to you...
Sunday, February 24, 2008
I have discovered a patch of unloveliness in the pattern of my days this week. It is fair to say that I have been "in touch with my inner...witch...". It has not been either edifying or lovely by any stretch of thought. I have apologized as I have had opportunity, but I still feel as if I am wearing mud on my face. The dirt on my countenance has felt heavy and has thrown a pattern of heavy earth over me. My imagination paints such a picture of human weakness that I am squirming in my skin.
In describing my attitude as unlovely, I have been generous to myself. Irritations have built up and nettled my spirit to set a depth charge to the molten lava within me. Yes, I have been ready to fight and contend with any presented threat to my comfort zone. I've rationalized my attitude to the point where I label it as "crabby". I doubt that Jesus sees it in such frivolous lighting.
The good news about my attitude is that the Lord can change it around and actually use it for good. How? I can't see that far right now; but I know that He forgives and restores as a matter of routine; imparting grace to the human heart that earnestly seeks Him.
I pray to be restored to the joy of the Lord at His earliest convenience. His desire is that I be a blessing to those around me. He knows that I cannot do that in my own strength; and longs to come alongside and within to breathe new life into my frame and spirit. He is always faithful. I only have the longing to be half as loyal to Him as I trod along in this earthsuit. The meeting of the two camps is set to converge at a divinely appointed time.
My prayer is that the appointment is scheduled and attended by both parties before any festering occurs. The inner closet needs some cleaning. I say Spring cleaning takes place now. The abundant life calls for nothing less.
Joy to you,
In describing my attitude as unlovely, I have been generous to myself. Irritations have built up and nettled my spirit to set a depth charge to the molten lava within me. Yes, I have been ready to fight and contend with any presented threat to my comfort zone. I've rationalized my attitude to the point where I label it as "crabby". I doubt that Jesus sees it in such frivolous lighting.
The good news about my attitude is that the Lord can change it around and actually use it for good. How? I can't see that far right now; but I know that He forgives and restores as a matter of routine; imparting grace to the human heart that earnestly seeks Him.
I pray to be restored to the joy of the Lord at His earliest convenience. His desire is that I be a blessing to those around me. He knows that I cannot do that in my own strength; and longs to come alongside and within to breathe new life into my frame and spirit. He is always faithful. I only have the longing to be half as loyal to Him as I trod along in this earthsuit. The meeting of the two camps is set to converge at a divinely appointed time.
My prayer is that the appointment is scheduled and attended by both parties before any festering occurs. The inner closet needs some cleaning. I say Spring cleaning takes place now. The abundant life calls for nothing less.
Joy to you,
Saturday, February 16, 2008
He Is My Joy
He is my joy in the morning;
showing me the love that endures
in ways my speech cannot convey to mortal ear.
He is my joy through my day's journey;
sustaining the breath within me
by the grace and mercy flowing from the cross.
He quiets me with His love as I lay down upon my bed;
dispelling the fear that looms to steal His joy from my grasp,
and singing His love song to me as I dream of the vineyards.
showing me the love that endures
in ways my speech cannot convey to mortal ear.
He is my joy through my day's journey;
sustaining the breath within me
by the grace and mercy flowing from the cross.
He quiets me with His love as I lay down upon my bed;
dispelling the fear that looms to steal His joy from my grasp,
and singing His love song to me as I dream of the vineyards.
Friday, February 8, 2008
I was feeling a bit on the talkative side tonight, and I posted two pieces of mental deposits below this one. I hope there is something that the Lord will use to quicken, soothe, cheer, or bolster you in the coming days.
Joy to you,
Joy to you,
Glory Train
I am awake at 2:30 in the morning. My mental soup has been sloshing around up there creating a disrespectable noise as I was attempting to sleep. I was dreaming of water, so I suppose that was, in part, a sign that I needed to get up and take care of business? Ok, that was a valid propellant towards consciousness; yet I would have preferred dreamland. Such is life.
I chose the title of Glory Train for this piece because I have been thinking of the accumulation of choices in everyday life. Those choices propell us towards one direction or another; fueling our future and determining our level of productivity.
Still lost in my mental soup? Well, relief is coming. Take a deep breath and just hang in there with me; I think we'll make it to the end together.
The ingredients in my soup are those verses in scripture that speak of confession and forgiveness, guidance and correction. 1 John 4:19, John 3:16, and many more. Common enough verses; yet living and active as an ingredient when the quiet of night descends and the Spirit whispers into our ears about the coming Glory Train. Perspective becomes clearer when the substance of earth is compared to the
stretch of eternity. These days are part water soluble colors; the oil paint will appear as we make those choices that define our days. How do we discern between the water soluble and the more permanent oil paint in our lives? I am still brewing that batch of soup, yet the flavors come to the fore and impress my palate in a fresh way tonight.
That promise of the new day and the glory of heaven needs to fuel us towards a refined purpose in our days to come. Eternity is a long time; and the ride on the Glory Train is going to be past our ability to comprehend it while in these earthen vessels. He has placed eternity in our hearts to keep our eyes on the Glory Train on its' way for us; making the stops and travel issues more bearable in comparison to that endless day.
I chose the title of Glory Train for this piece because I have been thinking of the accumulation of choices in everyday life. Those choices propell us towards one direction or another; fueling our future and determining our level of productivity.
Still lost in my mental soup? Well, relief is coming. Take a deep breath and just hang in there with me; I think we'll make it to the end together.
The ingredients in my soup are those verses in scripture that speak of confession and forgiveness, guidance and correction. 1 John 4:19, John 3:16, and many more. Common enough verses; yet living and active as an ingredient when the quiet of night descends and the Spirit whispers into our ears about the coming Glory Train. Perspective becomes clearer when the substance of earth is compared to the
stretch of eternity. These days are part water soluble colors; the oil paint will appear as we make those choices that define our days. How do we discern between the water soluble and the more permanent oil paint in our lives? I am still brewing that batch of soup, yet the flavors come to the fore and impress my palate in a fresh way tonight.
That promise of the new day and the glory of heaven needs to fuel us towards a refined purpose in our days to come. Eternity is a long time; and the ride on the Glory Train is going to be past our ability to comprehend it while in these earthen vessels. He has placed eternity in our hearts to keep our eyes on the Glory Train on its' way for us; making the stops and travel issues more bearable in comparison to that endless day.
The Banner Waves
I'm trusting for the wind to blow
and push my sinking ship;
towards terra firma p.d.q...
I thought my foot had plugged the hole,
but did it first create
the leaking vortex drawing water
from the sinking craft?
He walked on water, created wine;
from this very stuff...
Oh, to be in posession of the cork
to plug up the hole
and restore said ship to fully functioning status...
fear repented, praise released, in the midst of chaos;
that solid ground will appear on the horizon by the hand of Glory.
and push my sinking ship;
towards terra firma p.d.q...
I thought my foot had plugged the hole,
but did it first create
the leaking vortex drawing water
from the sinking craft?
He walked on water, created wine;
from this very stuff...
Oh, to be in posession of the cork
to plug up the hole
and restore said ship to fully functioning status...
fear repented, praise released, in the midst of chaos;
that solid ground will appear on the horizon by the hand of Glory.
Monday, February 4, 2008
In Shades of Green and Blue
I have been formally bagged by the Green Giant today. I hear of what I see friends and aquaintances are up to, and I feel pressured to catch up. I beat myself up until I am blue in my spirit over what I perceive as lost opportunities and failed attempts to do...something....
I think of what Scriptures say regarding coveting...and the part that says not to do it. I pray that my green fades from the intense kelly green to a more muted moss hue as soon as is humanly(or divinely)possible. I pray that my envy is replaced by a renewed fire to find the path the Lord would have me follow. He has plans for a future and a hope for me. I suppose that I can take it on faith that I have not fallen into disrepair irreparably...
I recall feeling like this as a teenager. I am 40 now. Haven't I outgrown the pubescent yearnings to be someone else? It is more than a rhetorical question. I have to answer it or fail the test again. What is it that they say roses grow in the best? I don't think I heard any mention of rosewater in the expression that I am thinking of. Does that mean my life has to stink before the beauty grows out of it? I think I do reek sometimes, and it isn't of rosewater.
Almighty God is not at fault here. My lenses are corroded and dirty; failing to see what I have been shown. In fact, it is time now to get over myself and do laundry. I am not the only one that reeks; my sink requires a dose of excavation and disinfecting that I have been given the responsibility to take care of on behalf of the family. My blessings does my sink.
I am thinking that green is also the color of new growth, spring, and symblolic of new beginnings. Each day is fresh with no mistakes in least for the first ten seconds that we are awake. After that, it is a process of repentance and learning for the rest of the day.
After I do my painting, it is God's idea to shower me with grace; painting that glorious shade of purest white all over me as His love slips in to do a remodeling job on my soul. My spirit is renewed; and I hear Him tell me that His love endures forever.
Lord, quicken my hearing to listen as You try to speak over the noise of my grousing. It was your idea to make me as I am. You have your reasons. Help me not to question the ways in which you put the pieces together. You have the final picture from which to work from; not me.
I think of what Scriptures say regarding coveting...and the part that says not to do it. I pray that my green fades from the intense kelly green to a more muted moss hue as soon as is humanly(or divinely)possible. I pray that my envy is replaced by a renewed fire to find the path the Lord would have me follow. He has plans for a future and a hope for me. I suppose that I can take it on faith that I have not fallen into disrepair irreparably...
I recall feeling like this as a teenager. I am 40 now. Haven't I outgrown the pubescent yearnings to be someone else? It is more than a rhetorical question. I have to answer it or fail the test again. What is it that they say roses grow in the best? I don't think I heard any mention of rosewater in the expression that I am thinking of. Does that mean my life has to stink before the beauty grows out of it? I think I do reek sometimes, and it isn't of rosewater.
Almighty God is not at fault here. My lenses are corroded and dirty; failing to see what I have been shown. In fact, it is time now to get over myself and do laundry. I am not the only one that reeks; my sink requires a dose of excavation and disinfecting that I have been given the responsibility to take care of on behalf of the family. My blessings does my sink.
I am thinking that green is also the color of new growth, spring, and symblolic of new beginnings. Each day is fresh with no mistakes in least for the first ten seconds that we are awake. After that, it is a process of repentance and learning for the rest of the day.
After I do my painting, it is God's idea to shower me with grace; painting that glorious shade of purest white all over me as His love slips in to do a remodeling job on my soul. My spirit is renewed; and I hear Him tell me that His love endures forever.
Lord, quicken my hearing to listen as You try to speak over the noise of my grousing. It was your idea to make me as I am. You have your reasons. Help me not to question the ways in which you put the pieces together. You have the final picture from which to work from; not me.
Friday, January 25, 2008
A New Beginning
I am looking out my window as I write this, and I see the early morning sun illuminating the landscape. The cars are driving by; on their way to work, I am sure. Back in the house, I am doing what I do; write. This is how most of my days begin. Today is following the pattern. I have heard it said that it takes 30 days to develop a new habit. I am hoping for somewhere between two minutes and a week. I prefer the microwave version of the process; patient being that I am...
It is still January. Traditionally a time of new beginnings. No, I didn't make any resolutions. I tend to panic and break them right away so that the pressure is off. Odd logic, but it is mine; and a sort of escape valve. My point is this: the dawn of a new day in January inspires me to take stock of my life and seek my maker regarding those aspects of my daily life that need ammending. That reminds me...mending...whew...only a few buttons...
My mountains still look like mountains. No amount of dressing them up or reframing them has succeeded in taking them down to mole-hill status. My God is still big enough to handle those mountains, though. I will purpose in my heart to offer Him my hand as I start walking towards those mountains each day. Two steps with Him must be worth more than twenty without Him. My odds of making it are better with the company, I am sure.
I pray that you remember that His mercies are new every morning as you read this. He is faithful in ways we cannot fathom; and our finite minds cannot hold the majesty of His plans. He is with us, and that is what matters. Yes, He is ready to take our hands and lead us on towards new pathways.
Whew! He's got my back. I think I can breathe out now.
Joy to you,
It is still January. Traditionally a time of new beginnings. No, I didn't make any resolutions. I tend to panic and break them right away so that the pressure is off. Odd logic, but it is mine; and a sort of escape valve. My point is this: the dawn of a new day in January inspires me to take stock of my life and seek my maker regarding those aspects of my daily life that need ammending. That reminds me...mending...whew...only a few buttons...
My mountains still look like mountains. No amount of dressing them up or reframing them has succeeded in taking them down to mole-hill status. My God is still big enough to handle those mountains, though. I will purpose in my heart to offer Him my hand as I start walking towards those mountains each day. Two steps with Him must be worth more than twenty without Him. My odds of making it are better with the company, I am sure.
I pray that you remember that His mercies are new every morning as you read this. He is faithful in ways we cannot fathom; and our finite minds cannot hold the majesty of His plans. He is with us, and that is what matters. Yes, He is ready to take our hands and lead us on towards new pathways.
Whew! He's got my back. I think I can breathe out now.
Joy to you,
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Keep on Truckin'
Gotta keep on truckin', brother;
'cause the road ahead has bumps
you're gonna need to step over...
Gotta keep on truckin', sister;
'cause the steam you give off
is gonna warm someone else's heart...
Makin' it from point a to point b,
hanging on to the Master's hand
and waiting for His tugs of direction;
you'll make it to the finish line
if you just keep truckin' along...
Gotta keep on truckin', and keep your eyes on the prize;
knowing that He has promised to stay near...
keeping on that path that leads to the promised land...
'cause the road ahead has bumps
you're gonna need to step over...
Gotta keep on truckin', sister;
'cause the steam you give off
is gonna warm someone else's heart...
Makin' it from point a to point b,
hanging on to the Master's hand
and waiting for His tugs of direction;
you'll make it to the finish line
if you just keep truckin' along...
Gotta keep on truckin', and keep your eyes on the prize;
knowing that He has promised to stay near...
keeping on that path that leads to the promised land...
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Vine Ripe
Hanging in there
on the vine;
lifting my feet
to avoid the sharp points
designed to protect the fruit...
Connected to the vine
in ways unseen to me;
rejoicing in the knowledge
that I don't need to see everything
to know that I wont fall off
before the appointed time...
Moments come
and turn into days...
the years take off
and run with reckless abandon;
yet I know that my times
are in His hands;
and I long to become
vine ripe for the attainment of the prize...
on the vine;
lifting my feet
to avoid the sharp points
designed to protect the fruit...
Connected to the vine
in ways unseen to me;
rejoicing in the knowledge
that I don't need to see everything
to know that I wont fall off
before the appointed time...
Moments come
and turn into days...
the years take off
and run with reckless abandon;
yet I know that my times
are in His hands;
and I long to become
vine ripe for the attainment of the prize...
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Whispers of Micah 7:19
"He will again have compassion on us, and will subdue our iniquities. You will cast all our sins into the depths of the sea."-Micah 7:19
You cast our sins
into the depths of the sea;
showering mercy down upon us
to the foot of the cross in repentance...
...and I can imagine how the joy
in Your heart flows down to us;
and returns to Your ears
as the grateful praise for your grace...
The whispers of Micah
envelop me, Lord...
bringing to mind that well worn fishing pole
kept near and ready as I hear You
whisper the words of reassurance to my spirit...
"You have confessed. I have forgiven. Hand over
the pole and taste of My rest..."
My praise arises once again on the wind of Your Spirit...
You cast our sins
into the depths of the sea;
showering mercy down upon us
to the foot of the cross in repentance...
...and I can imagine how the joy
in Your heart flows down to us;
and returns to Your ears
as the grateful praise for your grace...
The whispers of Micah
envelop me, Lord...
bringing to mind that well worn fishing pole
kept near and ready as I hear You
whisper the words of reassurance to my spirit...
"You have confessed. I have forgiven. Hand over
the pole and taste of My rest..."
My praise arises once again on the wind of Your Spirit...
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